Career Counselling for Course or College Selection

Career Counselling for Course or College Selection

Counselling Plan Features

  • Personality Analysis and Assessment
  • 2 Dimensional Assessment with Sr. Psychologists
  • Planning Assessment By CASA Method
  • Consultation with Academic Expert
  • Job Guidance by Field Expert, If required
  • PDF Report ( WhatsApp + Email )
4-6 Steps Process

Consultation Charges

  • Total Service Time 1 hour
  • Service Limit Daily 1 Service
  • Price per service
    2500.00 INR 1150.00
  • Online booking available Book Now

What is Career Counselling for Course or College Selection?

Career counselling for course or college selection is highly important for the students in today's world. It helps students in making a informed decision. Under career counselling for course or college selection service, personality traits of student are explored such as interest, skills, values and career goals. Afterwards right and appropriate courses or colleges are recommended that provide the opportunities aligned with the student's aspirations. The professional career counsellor also provides the advice on the job prospects, admission requirements, and financial considerations associated with different course or college options. The objective of career counselling for course or college selection is to help students to make informed and confident decisions for their career.

Career counselling for course or college selection involves various activities such personality assessments. information interviews and the use of educational and career resources. The Study Lamp's career counsellor discuss with the students to understand their career goals, personality, strength and weaknesses. The counsellor provide guidance while understanding the student's personal issues. Additionally, career counselling for course or college selection provide support throughout the college or course selection process, including help with applications, entrance exams, and financial aid. Career counselling for course or college selection has the ultimate goal to help students in identifying and pursue educational and career paths that will lead to personal and professional fulfilment.

Benefits of Career Counselling for Course or College Selection 

Career counselling for course or college selection is highly beneficial for students who are looking for guidance and support in making informed decisions about their educational path. Career counselling for course or college selection helps students in gaining clarity on their career goals. It also helps to improve decision-making that align with their education and desired career. It provides access to relevant resources. It enhances motivation and engagement among students and develops time management skills.

Here are the benefits of career counselling for course or college selection:

Clarity on Career Goals: Career counselling for course or college selection helps students to gain clarity on their career goals and aspirations. Career Counselors assist students in exploring different career options while evaluating their interests and skills, and understands the educational requirements for specific career paths. With the help this clarity on career goals, students become able to make informed decisions about the courses or colleges that align with their desired career.

Improved Decision-Making: Career counselling for course or college selection supports students in making well-informed decisions about course or college selection. Career counselors provide guidance and information on various education perspective, such as different courses, colleges, and their respective curricula. The career counsellor help students in evaluating various factors such as career prospects, personal preferences, and educational requirements to make career decisions that align with their goals and values.

Better Match Between Education and Career: Career counselling for course or college selection provide guidance to students while ensuring a better alignment between chosen courses or colleges and their desired career path. Career counselors provide necessary knowledge and skill information for desired goals to students to explore educational options. With the help of this alignment, the success of chosen career increase.

Access to Resources: Under career counselling for course or college service, students are provided access to valuable resources related to course or college selection. The experienced career counsellors provide knowledge about different educational programs, institutions, scholarships, and other relevant resources which are highly beneficial for students. The career counsellor provide guidance students in accessing and utilizing valuable resources to make informed decisions.

Enhanced Motivation and Engagement: Career counselling for course or college selection help in enhancing students' motivation and engagement in their chosen courses or colleges. Career counsellors provide guidance to students while aligning their education with their career goals to make them feel motivated. With the help of this increased motivation and engagement, students perform better in academic and achieve overall satisfaction with their educational experience.

Improved Time Management: Career counselling for course or college selection help students in developing an effective time management skills. Under this, the career counsellors provide guidance on how to create a balance time table, setting priorities and balancing academic targets and commitments with other responsibilities. This effective time management helps students in optimizing their career goals, reduce academic stress, improve learning capabilities and productivity.

Better Understanding of Personal Strengths and Weaknesses: Career counselling for course or college selection also helps students to gain self-awareness with respect to their personality traits, strength and weaknesses. Career counsellors conduct self-assessment test and provide the feedback to students. This assessment helps students to make a right decision to select right course or college.

Building Confidence and Esteem: Career counselling for course or college selection resolve the self-doubt and help in developing self-confidence and self-esteem. If student's strength is recognized, students can build a positive self-image and can improve self-worth as well. It helps in enhancing their educational experience.

Changing Negative Habits: Career counselling for course or college selection helps students in identifying and changing the negative habits or thoughts patterns. This negative habits and thoughts patterns hinder the students' academic performance. Under career counselling for course or college selection, the reasons and factors behind these negative habits are identified and counsellor help students to develop positive habits or thought patterns that lead to positive behavioural changes as well. Students can develop healthier study habits, overcome procrastination, and improve their overall approach to learning.

Dealing with Stress or Depression: While making decision for course or college selection, students used to be remain under stress or emotional challenges. But with the help of this career counselling for course or college selection, students can be supported in managing stress, addressing symptoms of anxiety or depression. They can be guided to develop healthy coping strategies. Students can be provide guidance on course or college selection while addressing such emotional challenges.

Facts & Stats Related Problems in Career Counselling for Course or College Selection

Limited Awareness: Around 50% Indian students lack awareness about the various courses and colleges available which can lead to incorrect course or college selection, according to a survey conducted by the National Sample Survey Organization.

Pressure from Parents: According to a survey conducted by Aspiring Minds, around 60% of students in India select courses or colleges based on their parents' preferences or expectations, which can lead to dissatisfaction and lack of interest.

Limited Information: According to a survey by the National Institutional Ranking Framework, around 40% of students in India face a lack of information on course or college selection, leading to incorrect decision-making.

Limited Career Guidance: According to a survey by the All India Council for Technical Education, around 30% of students in India face limited access to career guidance and counselling, leading to incorrect course or college selection.

Limited Skill Assessment: According to a survey by the National Skill Development Corporation, around 70% of students in India do not undergo skill assessment before selecting a course or college, leading to incorrect decision-making and lack of job prospects.

Lack of Clarity: According to a survey by the University Grants Commission, around 50% of students in India lack clarity about their career goals, leading to incorrect course or college selection.

Limited Financial Resources: According to a survey by the National Sample Survey Organization, around 30% of students in India face financial constraints while selecting a course or college, leading to limited options and compromise on quality.

Limited Availability of Seats: According to a survey by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, around 20% of students in India face limited availability of seats in the desired course or college, leading to compromise on preference and quality.

Lack of Infrastructure: According to a survey by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, around 25% of colleges in India lack adequate infrastructure and facilities, leading to compromise on quality of education.

Lack of Industry Connect: According to a survey by the National Skill Development Corporation, around 40% of students in India face a lack of industry connect and exposure while selecting a course or college, leading to limited job prospects and skill development.

Peer Pressure: According to a survey by the Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, around 20% of students in India select courses or colleges based on peer pressure, leading to dissatisfaction and lack of interest.

Limited Language Skills: According to a survey by the British Council, around 30% of students in India face a lack of proficiency in English language, which can limit their options and compromise on quality of education.

Lack of Diversity: According to a survey by the University Grants Commission, around 15% of students in India face limited diversity in course or college selection, leading to limited exposure and perspective.

Limited Access to Information Technology: According to a survey by the Ministry of Education, around 40% of students in India face limited access to information technology, which can limit their options and compromise on quality of education.

Limited Access to Scholarship: According to a survey by the National Scholarship Portal, around 25% of students in India face limited access to scholarship, which can limit their options and compromise on quality of education.

Why is Career Counselling for Course or College Selection Important?

Career counselling for course or college selection is important for several reasons which are mentioned below:

Helps Individuals Make Informed Decisions: Students always remain in dilemma while choosing a course or college, as it is a big decision while making a career path. It is important to note here that it can bring a significant impact on an students' career. Career counselling for course or college selection provides guidance to students in order to make informed decisions.

Supports Long-Term Career Goals: Understanding the self personality is an important aspect to make a career decision. Here, Career counselling for course or college selection helps students in understanding their strengths, interests, and career goals, It will help them select a course or college that will align with their long-term career aspirations.

Avoids Frustration and Disappointment:  A person will become frustrated and disappointed If he/she take a decision to chooses a course or college that does not align with his/her interests, skills, or goals.  Career counselling for course or college selection can be very helpful to avoid such outcome.

Enhances Career Prospects: Career counselling for course or college selection helps students to choose such course or college that aligns with their interests and goals. It will help students to improve their chances of success and enhance their career prospects.

Saves Time and Resources: If a student choose the wrong course or college, It will be a waste of time and resources as well. It may also delay an students' progress towards their career goals. Career counselling for course or college selection will help students to avoid such outcomes.

In conclusion, career counselling for course or college selection is very important for students looking forward in their career prospects. It will provide students guidance, support, and resources that they need in order to make informed decisions about their education and career paths. It will also students in avoiding frustration and disappointment, and will enhance their career prospects, and support their long-term career goals.

Who Should opt for Career Counselling for Course or College Selection?

Career counselling for course or college selection is the best choice for anyone who is looking forward to take guidance for pursuing a college education or making a change in their career path. It will be beneficial for the following individuals which are as such:

School students who has given their class 12th exam, and now looking for career advice for post-secondary education.

Students who want a career change or return to school after a break.

Students who are uncertain about which course or college to choose.

Individuals who want to understand the job prospects associated with different courses and colleges.

Individuals who want to explore their interests, skills, and values and how these relate to their education and career goals.

Individuals who want to assess the financial considerations associated with different courses or colleges.

Feature of Career Counselling for Course or College Selection

The feature of career counselling for course or college selection are mentioned below:

Personality Analysis and Assessment:

It is very important to analysis personality before moving forward to make a decision for course of college selection.  Under this a self-introductory form is asked to fulfill by student. This helps counsellor to understand the student and start the counselling process in order to make right and informed career decisions.

2 Dimensional Assessment with Sr. Psychologist: 

Having assessed the basic information of the student with the help of self-introductory form, a one-to-one 2 dimensional session is conducted with senior psychologist and the student.  Under this, student's own interests, skills, values, and personality traits are assessed. This assessment helps to identify the types of careers and courses that may align with one's strengths and interests.

Planning Assessment by CASA Method: 

CASA Method is the unique feature of The Study Lamp's service. With the help of this method, career counsellor help student to identify his/her capabilities, aptitudes, skills and talents which help in making a right decision to pursue course or college.  The career counsellor undertakes this method to provide the right guidance for a suitable course or college choice.

Consultation with Academic Expert:

Having conducted CASA test, An academic expert is connected with student. Based on the information gathered, Academic expert begins to narrow down their options and make a list of colleges and courses that align with their interests and career goals.  It's important to explore different career options and to understand the requirements and duties of each. 

Job Guidance by Field Expert, if required:  

Once the colleges and courses have been selected, the next step is, if required, to connect student with field expert.  This can involve researching specific industries, talking to professionals in the field, and conducting informational interviews. It brings deeper understanding of the chosen course in order to achieve career goals.

PDF Report (WhatsApp + Email):

Having completed all process, student is given the pdf report via WhatsApp and Email.  This helps in ensuring the continuity and easy accessibility to counselling process. This report summarizes counselling sessions and the recommendation provided by the career counsellor and academic expert.  By this, the student will be able to stay organized and can track the strategies made during the counselling sessions.

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