Partnership to Guide Employees and their Children

Partnership to Guide Employees and their Children

What is this Partnership Program?

Corporate world has become new form of economic development. Faster growth & faster production is the success mantra of corporate people. In order to achieve success, employees are loosing the mental wellness. Work pressure, peer-pressure and performance pressure has become the source of low production and depression of the individual. In such a condition, The Study Lamp offers the partnership program under which employee mental-wellness and production qualitity is improved with its professional career counselling service.

Why it is important for Companies?

Companies are struggling in increasing the productivity of the employees. Day-by-day employees are loosing their interest in work and facing the depression in daily life. This colloboration will help the companies to motivate the employees to improve the quality of service and in reducing the negaitive environment in the office. Improving the mental wellness of the employees is an important part of companies quality service and production.

Which types of Companies should subscribe?

Corporate companies want to improve its quality of service and production so that growth shall be achieved in rapid manner. Here, those companies which are lacking the couselling support and wanted to improve their employees' mental wellness must join this partnership program of professional career counselling offered by The Study Lamp

What are the benefits of this to Companies?

This partnership program will bring remarkable change by its quality services. It will be beneficial for the corporate companies in following ways:

Resolving Emotional Issues ( Personal and Professional ) and Office Problems

Increasing the focus on the right things in the office

Increase productivity of service of the company

Increase retention in high order

Give `We Care` message to employees and feel them more connected

Helping in making child better future ( Perk from the company to employees )

Attracting more talent by showing them child career guidance benefits which no company is giving

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