Psychological Personality Development

Psychological Personality Development

Counselling Plan Features

  • Self-Awareness and Reflection
  • Positive Psychology Focus
  • Emotional Intelligence Enhancement
  • Goal-Oriented Growth
  • Supportive Community and Follow-Up
  • Once in A Week for 3 Months
6 Steps Process

Consultation Charges

  • Total Service Time 1 hour
  • Service Limit Daily 1 Service
  • Price per service
    10000.00 INR 7500.00
  • Online booking available Book Now

What is the Psychological Personality Development Course?

A Psychological  Personality Development Course is a comprehensive program which is designed to provide the guidance the individuals to enhance personal and professional skills. The focus of the program is on improving communication, confidence, leadership quality, teamwork and problem-solving abilities. The program will help participants in identifying strength, weaknesses, set achievable goals and create effective strategies. Experienced trainers provide feedback and guidance to come over the challenges. Successful completion will develop self-awareness, self-esteem, motivation, and adept interaction with others.

The program also delve into understanding psychological traits for example attitudes, beliefs, emotions, and motivations.  Participants explore personality types, preferences and values, gaining insights into behaviour and interactions. It equips with stress coping, emotional management, and conflict resolution. Led by psychologists, the course offers individual and group sessions, fostering mental well-being and positive relationships. Topics include self-esteem, confidence, emotional intelligence, and social skills, vital for personal and professional growth.

Benefits of Psychological Personality Development Training

Psychological Personality Development Course is well designed program. It offers a number of benefits throughout personal and professional domains. The key benefits are given below:

Increased Self-Awareness: Psychological personality development course can lead to a better understanding of one's strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation and emotions which is very important for personal growth and self-improvement.

Increase Self-Confidence: Individuals can develop a better sense of self-confidence with the help of this psychological personality development course.

Stronger Relationships: With better communication skills and self-awareness, individuals can build healthier and more fulfilling relationships with others.

Leadership Skills:  The course can equip individuals with the necessary skills to lead effectively, such as empathy, decision-making and the ability to motivate and inspire others.

Goal Attainment: Setting and achieving goals is easier with the skills learned in a Psychological Personality Development course, such as planning, motivation and perseverance.

Confident Presentations: The course can improve public speaking and presentation skills, leading to more confident and effective communication in professional settings.

Strategic Decision-Making: Participants can learn to make better decisions by considering various perspectives and potential outcomes.

Career Growth: The skills gained from the course can lead to better job performance, increased job satisfaction and opportunities for career advancement.

Problem-Solving: The course can develop problem-solving abilities by teaching how to approach challenges systematically and creatively.

Networking: Building a professional network is easier with the communication and social skills developed in the course.

Lifelong Learning: The course encourages a mindset of continuous learning and development, which is essential for personal and professional success in the long term.

A well-executed program, led by experienced professionals, empowers individuals for a fulfilling, successful life through personal and professional growth. Suitable for anyone aiming to enhance their personality and achieve goals.

Facts & Stats Related Problems in Personality Development

Time Management Skills

The average person spends about 2 hours and 27 minutes per day on social media, which can impact productivity and time management.


Stress Management Techniques

According to the American Psychological Association, chronic stress affects around 24% of adults, leading to various health issues.

Source: [American Psychological Association]

Building Confidence

A survey by Gallup found that only 32% of adults feel engaged and confident in their work.

Source: [Gallup]

Effective Goal Setting

People who set specific goals are 10 times more likely to achieve them, as demonstrated by research from the Dominican University of California.

Source: [Dominican University of California]

Effective Communication

About 55% of communication is nonverbal, including body language and facial expressions.

Source: [Albert Mehrabian's Communication Model]

Resilience Building

Research from the University of Pennsylvania suggests that practicing gratitude daily can lead to a 10% increase in overall happiness and resilience.

Source: [University of Pennsylvania Positive Psychology Center]

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is responsible for 58% of a person's job performance, as reported by TalentSmart.

Source: [TalentSmart]

Decision-Making Skills

On average, people make about 35,000 decisions every day, highlighting the importance of honing effective decision-making skills.

Source: [Cornell University]

Conflict Resolution

According to a study by CPP Inc., 85% of employees at all levels experience conflict in the workplace. Effective conflict resolution skills can greatly improve team dynamics.

Source: [CPP Inc.]

Networking and Relationship Building

Research from Harvard Business Review shows that having a diverse professional network can lead to up to a 23% increase in promotions.

Source: [Harvard Business Review]

Why is Psychological Personality Development Course Important?

Psychological Personality development programs are vital for holistic growth in personal and professional spheres. They hold key importance for these reasons:

  • Under the personality development program, an individual can have a better understanding of his own personality, interest, strength, weaknesses etc.. 
  • An individual can enhance his communication skills. He/she can develop empathy which will be helpful in making a stronger and healthier relationships whether it is about personal or professional relation.
  • Personality development program will help individual to get better understanding of own personality. This understanding help to gain more confidence.
  • This personality development program provide training for building the leadership quality, decision-making and time management skills.  These are very important for an individual seeking for career advancement.
  • The personality development program also includes stress management techniques which is very helpful in reducing the adverse effect of stress on mental and physical health of the individual.
  • This personality development program helps in building positive mindset which is very important for resilience and adaptability.
  • Emotional Intelligence is an important aspect of personality development program. It helps in improving the ability to understand and manage emotions.
  • Networking is very crucial aspect of professional development. Under this program, Individual gain confidence and skills to build and maintain professional relationships.
  • Personality development program helps individual to develop his/her problem solving abilities.
  • Public speaking and presentation skills are most important parts to be expected to improve under personality development program.

This personality development program provides the holistic growth to an individual while providing mental, emotional and social aspects of development.

Who Should Opt for a Psychological Personality Development Course?

Personality Development Courses offer value to individuals seeking growth, improvement, and enhanced skills. While the programs are versatile, some groups may find them particularly advantageous:

Students: Enhancing communication, time management, and confidence prepares students for academic success and future careers.

Professionals: At all career stages, professionals can elevate leadership, communication, and emotional intelligence for workplace effectiveness.

Job Seekers: Improving interview skills and confidence aids job seekers in standing out to potential employers.

Entrepreneurs: Enhancing interpersonal skills, decision-making, and problem-solving empowers entrepreneurs in leading ventures.

Leaders and Managers: Vital for improving leadership, team management, and conflict resolution skills.

Life Transitions: Individuals in transitions, such as career changes or relocations, benefit from adapting and thriving with these programs.

Introverts and Shy Individuals: These programs aid in improving communication, self-confidence, and comfort in social settings.

Young Professionals: Early-career professionals accelerate growth, standing out in their fields and building solid career foundations.

Personal Growth Seekers: Those pursuing self-awareness, a positive mindset, and personal development gain insights and skills.

Relationship Improvers: Effective communication, empathy, and conflict resolution techniques enhance relationships.

Stress Copers: Managing stress through these programs aids those dealing with high-stress levels.

Public Speakers: Improved public speaking and presentation skills boost confidence and polish.

Career Changers: New career transitioners develop necessary skills and mindsets.

Parents: Enhancing parenting, communication, and stress management skills for a demanding role.

Fulfillment Seekers: Those looking for purpose, satisfaction, and fulfillment benefit from these programs.

In summary, personality development training suits anyone aiming for personal and professional skill enhancement, self-awareness, and a more meaningful life. Programs may vary, so individuals should select what aligns with their specific goals.

Feature of Psychological Personality Development Course

"The Study Lamp - TSL" has designed a comprehensive Psychological Personality Development Course with the following features:

Self-Awareness and Reflection

One-to-One Sessions: Participants engage in personalized sessions to facilitate self-reflection and mindfulness techniques. This individual attention ensures a deep exploration of personal insights and growth areas.

Personality Development Training Program: The program employs the CASA Method, a scientifically validated approach, for conducting personality assessments. This method provides participants with in-depth insights into their personalities, preferences, and behaviors

Positive Psychology Focus

Strengths Emphasis: The program emphasizes identifying and leveraging strengths as a foundation for growth. Participants learn to embrace their unique qualities to foster personal development.

Growth Mindset Cultivation: Through workshops and activities, participants are encouraged to adopt a growth mindset, enabling them to view challenges as opportunities for learning and development.

Positive Self-Talk and Affirmations: The training encourages participants to cultivate positive self-talk and affirmations. This practice enhances self-confidence and promotes a constructive self-perception.

Emotional Intelligence Enhancement

Comprehensive Emotional Intelligence Classes: Classes are dedicated to enhancing emotional intelligence, covering emotional awareness, regulation, and empathy. Participants learn to understand and manage their emotions effectively in various situations.

Interpersonal Skill Development: The program focuses on fostering effective communication and interpersonal skills. Participants gain insights into active listening, conflict resolution, and building meaningful relationships.

Goal-Oriented Growth

Guidance on SMART Objectives: Participants receive guidance on setting SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound). This approach ensures that goals are well-defined and attainable.

Actionable Steps Support: The program assists participants in breaking down their goals into actionable steps. This approach empowers participants to take consistent, achievable actions toward their personal growth.

Supportive Community and Follow-Up

Peer Learning and Feedback: The program fosters a strong sense of community through group dynamics. Participants engage in group discussions, activities, and feedback sessions, promoting peer learning and a supportive environment.

Ongoing Resources and Coaching: Participants receive access to a wealth of ongoing resources, including materials, tools, and exercises that reinforce learning. Additionally, the program offers coaching sessions to provide continuous support and guidance.

Progress Tracking: The program provides participants with tools for tracking their progress over time. This feature ensures that individuals can measure their achievements and make necessary adjustments as they work towards their goals.

Overall, "The Study Lamp - TSL" Psychological Personality Development Course is designed to offer a holistic and personalized approach to personal growth. By focusing on self-awareness, positive psychology, emotional intelligence, goal-oriented strategies, and a supportive community, the program equips participants with the tools and skills needed to enhance their personalities and thrive in various aspects of life.

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