Schools, Colleges and Universities Partnership Program

Schools, Colleges and Universities Partnership Program

What is this Partnership Program?

Educational Institutions are striving hard to make the students' bight future. This endeavour starts from the school level to higher studies at universities level. Despite all efforts, they have been, unfortunately, failed in making 100% of success rate. The biggest reason behind this has been unidentification of skills and abilities of the students. This partnership program will help the educational insitutions to identify students' skills & abilities, and shape the bright future of the students. The Professional Career Counselling Team will provide the guidance in order to find the right direction of career building while identifying the interest of students whether it would be academic or non-academic.

Why is it important for Institutions?

Educational Institutions are playing the important role in career building of the students. But without career counselling, they are unable to get upto the marks standards of the success result of institutions. The Professional Career Counselling assistance of The Study Lamp will help in shaping the bright future of the students which will create the higher standard value of educational institutions whether they are schools, Colleges or Universities.

What kind of Institutions should collaborate?

Those schools, colleges and Universities who are lacking career counselling service, and looking forward to make their students' bright future, must join this partnership program in order to increase the successful students rate. Professional Career Counselling team of The Study Lamp will help the institutions to improve its educational quality and standard in educational market.

What are the benefits of this Partnership?

With the help of this partnership program, the educational institutions will get following benefits which will be highly helpful in making the bright future of the students in:

  • Knowing the issues facing by the students in learning
  • Getting the information of the interest and abilities of the students
  • Understanding the rising academic pressure among the students
  • Knowing the depression value hidden in the students
  • Developing the learning interest with the help of guidance program
  • Giving information to the students about the upcoming career opportunitites
  • Boosting the confidence and self-reliance among the students

Our team of experts guided more than 10000+ Students, and collaborated with many schools and universities as mentioned below

List of Schools

List of Universities

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