Science Vs Arts Vs Commerce : Which is better?

Science Vs Arts Vs Commerce : Which is better?
Created At 10 Jan, 2024
Category Career Planning
Career Insights

Ideas trickle out of science, into the flow of commerce, where they drift into the less predictable eddies of art and philosophy. - Steven Johnson

The most common fields of study among Indian students are the Science stream, the Arts stream, and the Commerce stream. In their ninth and tenth grades, the majority of teenagers are puzzled. Whether they should opt for commerce, art or science course, they have divergent perspectives on these fields. Some people of the opinion with arts and science best courses for bright future and some of others are with commerce with it career options. All three of these fields provide a tonne of career possibilities. Many students also contact to the counsellors for counselling for arts and science in order to find the best courses in arts and science in future. However, there are other factors that one must analyse before deciding between these three streams. When choosing a stream, one should not rush. The information presented here will therefore resolve all of the problems that occur while choosing between commerce, arts and commerce science subjects if you are unsure about which subject to follow.

Overview of Different Streams With Career Options in Career Planning

About Science Course
The main subjects on which the science stream focuses are physics, chemistry, biology, and math. The field of computer science is included in this stream. The non-medical stream (PCM) and the medical stream(PCB) are the two subcategories of the science stream . Physics and Chemistry are the two subjects that are shared by both streams. Between these separated streams, the third subject—either math or biology—makes a difference. 

About Arts Course
A lot of career opportunities flow from the arts. The arts stream is a broad area of study that covers anything from languages to the humanities. The Arts stream offers a wide range of courses, including those in geography, psychology, economics, visual arts, music, physical education, legal studies, and many more. These topics include every  facet of understanding the world, society, culture, and mankind.

About Commerce Course
A group of educational courses referred to as a "commerce stream" deal with the study of different business, trade, accounting, financial information and transactions, and retailing-related topics. Accounting, economics, and business studies are the main topics that make up the commerce stream and open the various opportunities in commerce career options.

Career Option After 12th Science?

There are an Immense Number of Career Opportunities Available After 12th Science Stream and Some of Them Are Mentioned Below

  • Machine learning engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Data Analyst
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Blockchain Developer
  • Database Administrator
  • Big Data Engineer
  • Geologist
  • Forensic Pathologist
  • Software Developer and many more.

Career Option After 12th Arts?

Following of Career Opportunities Available After 12th Arts Stream and Some of The Arts Career Options Are Mentioned Below for 

  • Lawyer
  • Fashion Designer
  • Journalist
  • Event Planner
  • Graphic Designer
  • Lecturer
  • Psychologist
  • Public Relations Officer
  • Sociologist
  • Policy Analyst
  • Social Media Manager
  • Historian
  • Information Officer
  • Author
  • Researcher
  • Content Writer and many more

Career Option After 12th Commerce?

Students are very concerned about their commerce stream career. They always have various questions about commerce streams jobs such as if we take commerce what are the career options. Numerous Career Options after 12th commerce are available Commerce Stream. Some of Them are Listed Below

  • Chartered Accountant
  • Finance Advisor
  • Financial Analyst
  • Investment Banker
  • Sales and trading Banker
  • Security firms
  • Auditor
  • Loan officer
  • Chief accountant
  • Research analyst
  • Professor and many more

New Education Policy

A new education policy has been adopted and revealed by the Indian government. The reform package includes a wide variety of concepts and pledges, from vocational education through schools to higher education. Some of the projected changes are profound. It is, however, a proclaimed policy for the time being; the devil, as usual, is in the details. However, the intention of the ambitious policy is worth discussing, even if I will limit myself to one aspect: the new policy says that it will develop a single curriculum in the last classes of school education.

It is a wise option to combine the commerce, arts and science programmes in Indian schools. However, under the new education strategy, it appears that various streams will merge into a single river, since their contents would be combined into a single curriculum. "There will be no hard distinctions between arts and sciences," proclaims the new Indian education strategy (commerce is not mentioned here but would surely not be left aside as separate). Nonetheless, pupils will have "greater freedom and choice of courses," which means they will be able to pick between established subjects inside one curriculum rather than across curricula.

Here are the pros and cons of this New education policy

Pros of New Education Policy 

  • The policy supports bi-lingual education and textbooks for learning, as well as numerous languages at the middle and secondary levels, and encourages local languages to be the medium of teaching at least up to Grade 5.

  • The proposed 5+3+3+4 class system focuses on identifying learning levels at each important juncture, employing a multidisciplinary approach, and lowering material by focusing on fundamental learning abilities.

  • New age courses such as coding and computational thinking (among others) were introduced in middle school.

  • Students in secondary school can now select topic courses (primarily in arts, physical, and vocational education.

Cons of New Education Policy 

  • There is no final choice or set of standards on the language of instruction. For example, the policy states that local languages should be used "whenever practicable," which allows plenty of opportunity for the status quo—the existing three-language formula—to remain, particularly in the case of high-performing government-run school systems like Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs).

  • The issue of children's "mother tongue" and home language differing from the local language used in schools, particularly among migrant and Adivasi households, has not been addressed.

  • The policy contains an apparently extensive list of "nice to have" pedagogies, values, abilities, and methodologies. Many of these are already included in the 2005 National Curriculum Framework, and there have been acknowledged issues in translating them into teacher practices or student behaviors.

  • The policy requires educators to incorporate "Indian knowledge systems" such as yoga, Indian philosophy, and Adivasi/indigenous modes of learning into the curriculum. However, preparing educators who are now struggling to teach the core curriculum to incorporate these complicated ideas in a secular and inclusive manner would be difficult. 

How Do Right and Wrong Stream Effect a Successful Career?

Choosing the right path in life has a significant influence. A right stream is one in which an individual possesses knowledge, interests, and abilities, as well as the possibility for future development. If a person is working in an area where he or she possesses talents, that person may undoubtedly develop in that sector via hard effort and devotion. Furthermore, the individual would like doing the task. Growth opportunities abound in the appropriate field. A person can become a master in their skill after choosing the proper stream.

A wrong stream, on the other hand, has a negative impact on one's life. Choosing the wrong stream will not only waste time and money, but will also provide no results. A lack of interest will result in a failed career. The profession pursued by the wrong stream shows no evidence of progress. By selecting the wrong stream, one will only end up abandoning their career.

Survey Reports

This Diagram Represents the Number of Students Who are Unaware of the Available Streams and The Career Options Afterwards.

All three streams have distinct meanings and might be beneficial to an individual depending on their talents and abilities. All of these offer a variety of professional opportunities and a bright future. A professional career counsellor can help people choose the right career path for them. However, selecting the correct stream is only the first step toward a prosperous career. Hard effort and determination can lead to a great career after this.

How Can One Find Best Stream For Them?

On the Basis of the Following Points, One Can Analyse and Choose the Best Stream for Themselves

Consider Your Abilities, Talents, and Personality

When deciding on a stream beyond the 10th, one must be reasonable. A person's aptitude must be given adequate attention. As an example, if you are really weak in science subjects, you will struggle to succeed in the science stream! This is why it is critical to select a career path based on one's ability! To determine one's "range" and "abilities," online and traditional aptitude tests can be used.

Know and Comprehend the Streams From the Inside Out.

Without understanding specifics about the streams (such as subjects, difficulty level, career pathways, and so on), you won't be able to choose which one is ideal for you! As a result, gathering as much facts about the streams as possible becomes vital. Learn about education boards, major subjects, possible job pathways, breadth, and difficulty level. When you have both sets of data, you may sit down and analyse them to come to a decision!

Obtain Professional Career Counselling

A qualified professional career counsellor will be able to understand you and help you identify the ideal career path for you! A professional career counsellor will assess your abilities and talents and help you along the proper route by presenting you with the greatest alternatives for achieving high potential and success in your career.