Impacts of Students Behaviour in Career Shaping

Impacts of Students Behaviour in Career Shaping
Created At 09 Jan, 2024
Category Career Planning
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Our behaviour plays a critical role in shaping our future. The decisions we make, the habits we form, and the actions we take can all have a significant impact on our lives, both in the short and long term. Whether we are striving for personal growth, academic success, or professional achievement, changing our behaviour can be the key to unlocking our full potential. By recognizing the power of our behaviour and taking proactive steps to make positive changes, we can shape our future and create a life that is fulfilling and meaningful. In this essay, we will explore the importance of changing our behaviour, the benefits of doing so, and some practical steps we can take to make positive changes that will help us achieve our goals and shape our future.

Behaviour - According to Psychology

In psychology, behaviour refers to any observable action, reaction, or response made by an organism in response to stimuli from the environment or from within. 

Behaviour is often studied in the context of how it is influenced by various internal and external factors. For example, psychologists may study how behaviour is influenced by cognitive processes such as attention, perception, and memory. They may also examine how behaviour is shaped by social factors, such as the influence of peers or the effects of cultural norms.

Behaviour can be studied across a variety of levels, from individual actions to group behaviour, and across different domains, such as developmental, social, cognitive, and abnormal behaviour. Through the study of behaviour, psychologists seek to understand the underlying causes of behaviour and how it can be modified or changed through various interventions.

Development of Student’s Behaviour to Get Future Ready 

Behaviour plays a significant role in the development of students' lives, as it can impact their academic success, social relationships, and overall well-being. Here are some ways in which behaviour can influence student development:

Academic Achievement

Students' behaviour in the classroom can have a major impact on their academic performance. Positive behaviours such as being engaged, participating in class, and completing assignments on time can lead to improved grades and a deeper understanding of the material.

Social Development

Social behaviour is an important part of student development. Students who exhibit positive social behaviours such as cooperation, empathy, and respect for others are more likely to form positive relationships with peers and adults, which can contribute to their overall social and emotional well-being.

Emotional Well-Being

behaviour can also impact students' emotional well-being. Negative behaviours such as aggression, bullying, and social isolation can contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Positive behaviours such as empathy, kindness, and self-regulation can help promote positive emotions and reduce stress and anxiety.

Life Skills

behaviour can also impact the development of important life skills such as communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. By exhibiting positive behaviours and learning from mistakes, students can develop these skills and become more effective and confident learners.

Overall, behaviour plays a critical role in the development of students' lives. By promoting positive behaviours and providing support for students who struggle with negative behaviours, educators can help foster a positive learning environment that supports students' academic, social, and emotional growth.

Impacts of Students Behaviour in Career Shaping

Students behaviour can have a significant impact on their career shaping. Here are some ways in which behaviour can influence career outcomes:

Work Ethic

A student's work ethic, including their level of motivation, dedication, and persistence, can play a critical role in their career success. Students who exhibit a strong work ethic are more likely to achieve their goals and reach their full potential in their chosen career path.

Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills, such as communication, teamwork, and collaboration, are highly valued in many careers. Students who exhibit strong interpersonal skills are better equipped to work effectively with others and build positive relationships with colleagues, clients, and customers.


Professionalism, including factors such as punctuality, dependability, and respectfulness, is essential in many career fields. Students who exhibit professional behaviour are more likely to be viewed as competent and reliable, which can enhance their career prospects.


In today's rapidly changing job market, adaptability is becoming increasingly important. Students who exhibit a willingness to learn new skills, adapt to changing circumstances, and embrace new technologies are better positioned to succeed in their careers.


Leadership skills, including the ability to inspire and motivate others, are highly valued in many career fields. Students who exhibit strong leadership qualities may be more likely to advance in their careers and assume leadership roles.

Overall, a student's behaviour can play a critical role in their career shaping. Factors such as work ethic, interpersonal skills, professionalism, adaptability, and leadership can all impact a student's career prospects and ultimately determine their level of success in their chosen career path.

Role of People in Shaping Students Behaviour 

Parents, teachers, game coaches, mental health professionals, and career behaviour all play important roles in shaping a student's behaviour. Here are some of the ways each of these individuals can influence a student's behaviour:


Parents are typically the first and most important influence on a child's behaviour. They are responsible for instilling values, discipline, and a sense of responsibility in their children. Parents can shape their child's behaviour by modelling positive behaviours themselves, setting clear expectations and boundaries, and providing consistent and appropriate consequences for their child's actions.


Teachers also play a significant role in shaping a student's behaviour. They spend a considerable amount of time with their students and can influence their behaviour through positive reinforcement, clear expectations, and consistent consequences. Teachers can also help identify and address behavioural issues and provide support and resources to help students succeed.

Game Coaches

Game coaches can help shape a student's behaviour by instilling values such as teamwork, sportsmanship, and perseverance. They can also provide positive feedback and constructive criticism to help students improve their skills and overcome challenges.

Career Behaviour

Mental health professionals such as counsellors and psychologists can help students manage emotional and behavioural issues that may be impacting their academic performance and overall well-being. They can provide support and resources to help students cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Career counsellors can help students explore career options and make informed decisions about their future. They can provide guidance and resources to help students identify their strengths and interests and develop the skills and knowledge needed to pursue their chosen career path.

In conclusion, parents, teachers, game coaches, mental health professionals, and career behaviour all play important roles in shaping a student's behaviour. By working together, these individuals can create a supportive and positive environment that fosters academic and personal growth for students.

Role of Career Counsellor 

Career behaviour plays an important role in shaping a student's behaviour by providing guidance and support to help them make informed decisions about their future. Here are some ways that career counsellor can contribute to a student's behavioural development:

Encouraging Self-Reflection

Career counsellor can help students develop self-awareness by encouraging them to reflect on their strengths, interests, and values. By understanding their personal attributes and preferences, students can make informed decisions about their future and develop a sense of purpose and direction.

Identifying Goals

Career counsellor can help students identify short-term and long-term goals that align with their interests and abilities. By setting clear goals, students can develop a sense of motivation and direction, which can positively impact their behaviour.

Providing Resources

Career counsellor can provide students with resources and information on educational and career opportunities. By having access to these resources, students can make informed decisions about their future and take proactive steps towards achieving their goals.

Developing Career-Related Skills

Career counsellor can help students develop skills such as resume writing, interviewing, and networking. By developing these skills, students can feel more confident and prepared when pursuing career opportunities, which can positively impact their behaviour.

Offering Support

Career counsellor can provide emotional support and guidance to students who may be feeling uncertain or anxious about their future. By offering support and reassurance, career counsellor can help students feel more confident and motivated, which can positively impact their behaviour.

In conclusion, career behaviour plays an important role in shaping a student's behaviour by providing guidance, support, and resources to help them make informed decisions about their future. By helping students develop self-awareness, identify goals, and acquire career-related skills, career behaviour can positively impact a student's behaviour and help them achieve academic and personal success.


In conclusion, our behaviour is a significant determinant of our future. The way we act and the decisions we make can shape our lives for better or for worse. By recognizing the impact of our behaviour, we can take steps to make positive changes that lead to a brighter future. This may involve identifying negative habits and thought patterns and replacing them with more constructive ones, setting clear goals and working towards them, seeking guidance and support from others, and making a conscious effort to be mindful and present in our daily lives. Ultimately, changing our behaviour requires self-reflection, commitment, and perseverance, but the rewards can be substantial. By taking control of our behaviour, we can shape our future and create a life that is fulfilling and meaningful.